Xinyi is a developer and designer from Nanjing, China. She is curretnly pursuing a MS in Computer Science at Northeastern University(expected graduation 2023), and holds a MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art.

She has previously worked as a Frontend Developer at in Nanjing, China, during Sept 2020 - Aug 2021.
If you’d like to see her code projects, please head to her GitHub.

She has completed a variety of works and projects, featuring experimental typography, printed matter, brand identities, and art and sculptural installations. She has previously worked at Guyewenhua, Key Concept Design, Yangtze Evening, and Cranbrook Academy of Art. Currently, she is seeking a job in UX, graphic design, branding and/or relating field :)


Inspired mostly by my own emotions and experiences, I see my studio practice as a way finding out answers and results to my questions and concepts. My art making process usually starts with material studies and explorations, where then ideas and concepts start to interchange with the different materials. I embrace the incidents and unexpectedness that happen throughout the process.

My approach to design works in a quite similar way. As I believe in the undeterminable and uncertain qualities of design. Design is a dialogue, a way of communication, and an on-going process where we proceed toward perfection through conversation and tons of different investigations.

Design is an art, and I love design.